Monthly Archives: June 2016

Two Veteran Rides

I´ve had the pleasure of being able to take part in two local veteran bike rides. Both were organised by ADFC members. The ADFC is the equivalent to the CTC, roughly, so it seems to have taken on another task, that of looking after riders who care about old bicycles. Good.

The first one was for all takers, meaning, everyone who owns an old bike could take part. The average speed was very easy, the group was friendly, and there even was a stop at a restaurant at about half way. Not all participants are on the group photo as some had already departed.


xSafetylampholder xSafetyheadb xSafetyfullThe most interesting bike to my mind was an early 1890s safety, that day equipped with modern wheels to make it more rideable (brake!) Still, an impressive machine.

Also rather nice was an all original and hardly ridden 1936 Wanderer ladies in export version.

xWandheadb xWandDyn xWandbbAnd of course this early Presto was quite exciting to look at, too.

xoldheadb xoldfull xoldchainwhActually, it seemed to me that all bikes present were special.

xRabenheadb xopelrearmudg


A pre-WWII ex-Swiss Army Condor must have been the heaviest one. Mark those horrible chain- and seat stay Ends. Cranked is no expression. Not my taste in bikes at all.

xCondorreardo xCondorheadb xCondordyn xCondorbb


The other ride was quite well planned, too. It was specially designed for riders of veteran racing bikes – a first in our area. My problem was that I didn´t feel well that day and I had to leave early. There were two PBP finishers among the five participants of the ride, BTW. The standard in bikes was high, the riding speed would have been just right.

dT1hSFIwY0Rvdkx6TmpMV3hwZG1VdFltRndMbk5sY25abGNpNXNZVzR2YldGcGJDOWpiR2xsYm5RdmFXNTBaWEp1WVd3dllYUjBZV05vYldWdWRDOWtiM2R1Ykc5aFpDOTBZWFIwTUY4eUxTMHRkRzFoYVRFME5UaG1PR000WkRZd1lXWXlPVEk3YW5ObGMzTnBiMjVwWkQxQ1JUSTRRVFkxUmpnM09UQxRennradtourgpI greatly enjoyed the bit I took part in and look forward to the promised second edition in autumn.