Monthly Archives: February 2022

Update: Rohloff bike after eight years

As some of you might remember I came by a really quite nice city bike a number of years ago. Read up the adventure of building it here: .

All those years, a number of oil and chain chain changes and many thousands of pleasurable miles later (I donĀ“t use odometers), this is what the bike (still) looks like:

As you see, most of the components have stood the test of time as well as wear and tear very well. The exception was, of all things, the Brooks Conquest saddle which broke a railing wholly unexpectedly and potentially dangerously last year. Luckily I was riding at low speed and could stop. Also luckily I was quite near a fleamarket where I was given a cheap road bike saddle for free by a very kind stallholder who must have noted my still shocked expression. The Italian plastic thingy got me home somewhat uncomfortably but safely, where it was replaced by an old but hopefully rugged B17 from my box.

B17s still are unsurpassed in comfort, that much is clear. I do not miss the springs of the Conquest at all.

One more change to the original setup was the largest sprocket I could find to help me avoid those whining low gears as much as possible. This small piece of metal transformed the bike, I must say.

Some other shocking incidence some years ago was when the original Shimano dynamo hub nearly blocked after a very short notice of making funny noises. I nearly went over the handlebars. The front wheel was replaced with a SON hub and a standard rim which have been giving stalwart service for some years now.

The original equipment Rohloff hub, the Magura brakes, the KFS frame, – all have performed flawlessly up until now and I hope they will continue to do so for a long time.